Perfect plants for making herbal teas at home

Growing ingredients to make your own herbal teas is something that is often overlooked in the kitchen garden. We’re here to remedy that situation with some deliciously aromatic inspiration to soothe the nerves this summer.


It’s the ultimate in herbs for teas and it’s a great looker too! It’d look lovely in a border. Harvest the flower heads and dry them before making a calming  chamomile tea. You’ll need a teaspoon or two of flowers per mug of tea. The dried flowers will keep well.

Lemon Balm

Just a few leaves of lemon balm steeped in hot water tastes incredible. And it’s so easy to grow as well – plant it in a pot and it’ll keep coming back year after year.

Wild Bergamot

You can use the leaves and flowers of wild bergamot to make a herbal tea that has a taste similar to that of an Earl Grey tea. It’s lovely looking too, with attractive pink flowers.

garden mint


A lovely peppermint tea after a day in the veg patch is very soothing. Just a few leaves with hot water will do the trick, and it’s great for digestion too, so have a cup after a large meal!