Wild Rocket should take off now

Overwintered Wild Rocket, planted back in September or October should start to take off now as longer daylight hours and (hopefully) warmer temperatures arrive.

Wild Rocket tends not to do much when the temperatures get low. Here in Cornwall, ours has been growing quite steadily over what has been a relatively mild winter with few frosts. In other parts of the country where temperatures have been lower and soil temperatures have followed suit, you may have found that your wild rocket plants haven’t grown much at all since they were planted in September/October. However, that will all start to change now as we creep towards spring – they will have a lovely root structure in place by now, and as soon as they feel the temperatures rising they’ll produce loads of leaves really very quickly. Keep harvesting them, but gathering the leaves into a clump with one hand and cutting across at about 6-7cm from the ground (to leave the baby leaves to keep growing from the centre) and they should keep cropping for several weeks until we reach late spring when they may decide to flower.