Whether you are waiting for your plants to arrive in spring, or wondering whether or not to order with us, here’s a little bit about what to expect with a Rocket Gardens plant delivery…

Plants Arrive in Plastic-Free Packaging
This is what most of the veg plants will look like when they arrive – small, bare-rooted organic plug plants packed in cardboard sleeves. Some bigger plants, like herb plants and fruit plants come in biodegradable fibre pots, and since they are a little bigger they’re wrapped slightly differently to keep them safe, but still in cardboard and free from plastic.

Plants come with a Growing Guide
Every order comes with our complete growing guide – it has all the information you need to get going, including instructions for planting, spacings, what special requirements a plant might have in the way of pest protection or support etc.
Don’t forget that we also have loads of seasonal growing tips in our Weekly Veg Out newsletter.

Ready-to Plant Plugs
When the plants arrive, they will be ready to plant out – but, soak their roots in a shallow container of water first to help them recover from their journey (full instructions come in the growing guide) and be sure to plant out ONLY when all risk of frost has passed. The growing guide includes instructions for what to do if you can’t plant out immediately.

When are the plants delivered?
We begin dispatching the plants in late April and, usually all pre-orders are dispatched by late May. So, if you order now, you can expect to receive your plants anytime between late April and late May.
Why don’t you ship plants sooner? We grow all our plants organically in non-heated polytunnels which means they are not usually ready until late April – and we don’t send them until a) they are mature enough to make the journey as they need a substantial root system to keep them alive, and b) until the weather is mostly suitable for planting out.
We do keep on shipping plants right through the summer, usually until mid August, depending on the weather and plant availability.