The Best Way to Clean Mesh Netting

I was thinking about this cleaning problem again this week as I picked up some green-tinged netting that had been blown across the veg patch. A year or two ago, I found it difficult to get the algae washed off, but after much googling and experimenting I did find a good method.

I soaked the netting overnight in a large bucket containing 2.5l cheap cider vinegar from a country supplies shop (approx £5) and filled with just enough water that the entire net was well submerged (I weighed the netting down with bricks to hold it under the surface of the solution.)

Then, I put the netting in the wash at 50c the following morning with a scoop of laundry detergent and after a good wash, it came out really quite clean.

It’s a good and easy way of getting mesh netting clean again if it has picked up algae, and once clean the netting lets in light better which is important at this time of year when light levels are low.