Later this month I am hosting an annual Macmillan coffee morning, selling lots of cakes made using veg from the garden. They were hugely popular last year, so I thought I’d share some of the recipes that I’ve been using…
- Lemon Courgette Drizzle Cake – I just used Mary Berry’s recipe for lemon drizzle cake and added a large grated courgette to the mixture.
- Courgette Chocolate Cake – Riverford’s recipe is an absolute winner.
- Carrot Cupcakes – BBC Good Food have a nice recipe – I like doing them as cupcakes rather than a single cake…
- Parsnip and Maple Syrup Cake – This is really very yummy – I made it last year too and everyone loved it. Great for oversized, gnarly parsnips! The recipe is from Catherine Berwick
- Apple & Blackberry Crumble Muffins – I love crumble so this is the perfect cake for me, and a good way to use the last of the seasons blackberries. It’s from the Delicious magazine recipe