Here we are in the swing of harvesting season – hopefully you are dealing with more gluts than failed crops, and this article looks at some top tips for harvesting, storing veggies and some good ways of using gluts in your cooking!

Top Harvesting Tips
- Sweetcorn isn’t ready to harvest until the tassels turn dark brown/black.
- Peas (including mangetout and sugarsnap) and Beans (runner and french) can usually be harvested every day – the more you pick, the more will grow.
- Courgettes – these go from a sensible size to a marrow-like size almost overnight, so pick them often!
- Kale – tug the leaves downward to harvest – start with the larger, lower leaves and leave the new baby leaves to keep growing.
- Spinach & Chard – pick larger leaves often (this will help with air circulation too and help to prevent leaf spot)
- Salads – harvest mature lettuces etc whole now before they bolt.
- Beetroot, Carrots and Turnips can be harvested as soon as you can see that they are the right size.
- Keep an eye on tomatoes so that you can pick them just as soon as they ripen – then you will probably begin harvesting them every 2-3 days.
- Hang fire on: leeks, cabbages, cauliflower, celeriac, parsnips, winter squash & pumpkins – these will need a few more months probably and aren’t normally harvested until October onwards (cabbages/cauliflower might be a little earlier – keep an eye out!)

Storing Your Vegetables
Different crops have different storing qualities, but there is normally a good way of keeping your harvested food, whether it is in the fridge, in the freeze, in hessian sacks or simply in a basket in the kitchen or, when it comes to spinach and kale, in a jug of water.
We’ve got plenty of information about this for you – click the link below.

Cooking Ideas & Dealing With Gluts
We’ve got a great collection of easy recipes that you can use for inspiration. Also, have a look at some of our veg cakes if you enjoy baking and sweet treats, as these can be a good way of using up gluts and extras.
Don’t forget to make up soups and pasta sauces or stews for the freezer too if you’re struggling to keep up with your produce. Some things an be pickled very easily too.