Sorry to mention that the clocks will be going back soon, but they will. In about three weeks. So, we’re going to take a quick look at these next three weeks in the veg garden to help you make the most of this final window of daylight opportunity….
What to Plant:
Outdoor Planting:
For planting outside, you’ll do well to choose a selection of hardy salads & winter leaves (think kale and spinach) and some slow growers that reach maturity for a harvest in early spring, like spring greens, sprouting broccoli and chinese cabbage (wong bok)
Planting in Greenhouses/Polytunnels & Similar:
If you have a greenhouse, try planting beetroot, carrots, and a few winter lettuces. Tatsoi and Pak Choi do well under cover as well, where there are usually fewer slugs for them to contend with.
What to Harvest:
Over the next week or two, it’s best to harvest any spring/summer crops that are not frost tolerant:
- Tomatoes, Peppers, Aubergine
- Winter Squash & Pumpkins
- Summer Lettuces
- Maincrop Potatoes
- Any last Beans, Peas, Courgettes & Sweetcorn
Most other summer plants – cabbages, sprouts and other brassicas, as well as root veg, hardy leaves & leeks – should be fine as the weather turns colder.
12 Garden Jobs:
- Plant up final veg for autumn/winter – we usually stop shipping plants in mid/late October
- Cover newly planted plug plants with netting/fleece
- Pull up old plants and add them to your compost pile
- Mulch empty beds & cover them for the winter (plain cardboard held down by bricks works well)
- Put away bean supports and trelises that are no longer being used
- Protect autumn plants against slugs and snails
- There may be a few last hatchings of cabbage caterpillars so check on brassicas until the clocks change
- Net younger brassicas against pigeons
- Turn compost piles towards the end of the month to prevent rodents from nesting in winter
- Pull up weeds & remove bags of compost, watering cans, empty pots etc as these can provide shelter for slugs
- Cut back perennial herbs & flowers that have gone to seed – eg marjoram, chives, calendula
- Empty unused pots and put away for the winter (add the old compost to compost piles)