The Definitive Guide to Autumn Growing

For anyone who is keen to keep on growing! This guide explains when we dispatch plants, how best to plant them and care for them, when to expect harvests and so on.

When Can I Plant?
You can plant autumn plants from mid August through to mid/late October before the nights start to draw in and temperatures drop.

What Can I Plant?
Kale, Broccoli, Winter Lettuces, Spring Onions, Spring Greens, Oriental Leaves (Pak Choi, Tatsoi), Spinach, Chard, Rocket, Turnip, Perennial Herbs (mint, chives, oregano, rosemary, sage, vietnamese coriander, parsley and mint)

How Do I Look After My Plants?
You can plant in a greenhouse or outside. Water them well when you plant them, and during particularly dry spells. Keep plants protected from slugs & pigeons. Most plants will benefit from having horticultural fleece laid over them when the weather turns cold in winter. Other than that, growing over the colder months is relatively pest/problem free.

Which Plants Are Frost Sensitive?
Most of the autumn plants that we offer are fairly resistant to frost (and even snow) so a light cover of horticultural fleece if heavy frosts are forecast will keep them protected. However, the winter lettuces are more sensitive, so if possible pop a cloche over these or grow them in a greenhouse.

When Will They Be Ready To Harvest?
You can expect to harvest leaves/kale/lettuces within a month or two of planting. Spring Onions and Spring Greens will be harvestable in early spring. Most others, like broccoli and turnips, will either be harvestable just before Christmas, or in early spring, depending on the weather.

Is It Easy To Grow In Autumn/Winter?
Yes, it is much less time consuming and there are fewer pests and weeds to contend with. We find an hour or two at the weekend is enough to keep on top of a family plot.

When Can I Order? 
You can order between now and mid October.

When Will My Plants Be Dispatched?
Plants will be despatched from late August to mid/late October.