If you’re short on space, then choose your veg plants wisely! We’d recommend going for those fruit and vegetables that taste so much sweeter and flavoursome when they’re eaten within a few hours of being harvested, giving you a nice, nutritious boost at the same time… You’ll really notice the difference.
- Sweetcorn – the flavour and texture is undeniably better when you grow sweetcorn at home. The key is planting them in grids rather than rows to maximise pollination for loads of juicy cobs.
- Potatoes – taste a freshly dug up potato from your garden and admire the superiority of flavour!
- Strawberries – you don’t want these juicy summer sensations sitting in a punnet for too long…catch the sweetness of a strawberry straight from the patch instead.
- Tomatoes – find a sunny, sheltered corner (or better yet, grow them in a greenhouse.) Make sure you keep them consistently watered and give them a weekly liquid feed once they start flowering and you’ll enjoy the sweetest tomatoes to match the Mediterranean ones.
- Peas – a bag of frozen petit pois or some freshly podded peas from the garden? Yes, the homegrown peas win, hands down.
- Wild Rocket – honestly, this tastes completely different to the rocket you can buy in shops. It has a deeper, more peppery flavour that we love.
- Broccoli – when you grow it at home it’s so much sweeter and flavoursome. It’s quite a good looking plant too, so well worth growing your own.
- Raspberries – we grow raspberries so well in the UK that it’s a shame to buy them rather than growing your own and they’ll be bursting with flavour too.
- French beans – These really retain their sweetness and lovely, crunchy texture when you can get them from patch to plate in just a few minutes.
- Parsnips – a good dose of winter frost in the garden works wonders for homegrown parsnips, with an amazing sweetness that will transform your roasts!