Success with Fruiting Veg


By fruiting veg, we’re including the following plants: Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Chillies & Peppers, Aubergine, Squash, Courgettes, Beans, Peas.

Give them plenty of sun and warmth

Some of these will do best grown under cover in a greenhouse or polytunnel – namely tomatoes, peppers, aubergine and cucumber – and if you are growing these ones outdoors, it is best to choose the warmest, sunniest and most sheltered spot. Right in front of a south facing wall is an excellent choice. For the others, full sun and as little wind as possible will be fine.

Rich soil and plenty of water

More than any other crops, these veggies need plenty of water and richness from their roots. Top up beds with multipurpose compost and a good few handfuls of wormcast fertiliser to give them added nutrients when you plant them. They will need regular watering during dry spells, and we would recommend watering early in the morning, thoroughly, every 2-3 days, but more if needed (especially if growing in pots in a greenhouse as these will dry out fast).

Use a liquid feed once they start flowering

A liquid feed once a fortnight after the plants start flowering will again help to nourish them at the roots and you will really notice the difference if you stick to this. The plants will be healthier, with greener leaves and fruits will be tastier too. You can use an organic tomato feed for any of these crops.

Plant lots of companions & flowers

These plants are all reliant on bees and pollinators, so to get a good crop it is worth planting lots of companions and flowers to attract them. Tagetes, marigolds and calendula are excellent choices, and it is well worth planting basil with tomatoes.