Shall I make a hoop tunnel for winter growing? Diary of a Rocket Gardener

This is the first autumn that I haven’t had a greenhouse to grow in, and I miss it. My greenhouse crops were always a little healthier over autumn and winter than my outdoor crops, and I feel like I’m going to be disappointed if I don’t sort something out.

I had been thinking of making a hoop tunnel and covering it with polythene, for warmth and wind shelter. This would be the lowest budget option as all I’d need to buy is a sheet of polythene (I already have old hosepipe that I can use to create hoops) and it would also be the best option in terms of being able to make the tunnel exactly the size I need to cover the raised beds that I’m using.

However…. there are some really good, easy and not-too-pricey options out there. There’s a tunnel growhouse, for example, that has zip-up doors so that it’s easy to access the plants and pegs to secure it down (way easier than faffing around using bricks and stones to secure down the sides.) There’s an ‘easy poly tunnel’ that is basically a pre-covered set of hoops that you open out like an accordion. So simple.

Then there is also the other option of simply covering the rows of veg crops with horticultural fleece. This wouldn’t be as sheltering from the wind though, and that’s a big consideration for winter growing, particularly here in Cornwall on a relatively exposed site – we get a lot of gales!

All things considered, I’m thinking to buy a tunnel growhouse – the zippable doors areĀ  real win for me and whilst I know I could make something myself, the chances are that I’ll procrastinate and not get round to it until too late in the season, whereas buying something that is quick and easy to assemble feels like it’ll actually get done. It also has the advantage over fleece of keeping plants both sheltered from wind AND warm and protected from hail/snow/frost. As long as it doesn’t blow away…!