Contains the following baby plants

x 9

x 3

x 3
Delivery in Spring 2025.
Out of stock
All you need now is the Pimm’s!
With garden mint, cucumber and lots of delicious strawberries, you can turn to your Pimm’s Patch for garden wellbeing
Number of plants: 15
Contains the following baby plants:
Mint x 3
Strawberry x 9
Cucumber x 3
Contains the following baby plants
x 9
x 3
x 3
My passionate wish is that everyone should grow a little of their own food. Rocket Gardens are the perfect way to get started on a veg patch if you’re new to growing or if, like me, you’ve got a bit behind with the digging and missed the start of the season!
Food bills have rocketed so here is a great way to save yourself a fortune and grow your own. A Rocket Garden is a great start for any would be vegetable gardener.
So many ideas and prompts on what to do and when. I remember learning so much from my grandad about growing, the weekly ideas is like having a perpetual grandad!