• DELIVERY INFO: We are now shipping out Seed Potatoes – new potato orders will be shipped within 3 working days. Pre-Orders for Spring plants will be shipped from late April onwards - see FAQs

Setanta Seed Potatoes (Organic/Maincrop)

(10 Tubers)


In stock

A fantastic potato to grow!
Setanta is a new Irish variety of potato with the ever-popular Rooster as one of its parent lines. It has a fairly high resistance to blight which makes it a particularly popular maincrop choice (maincrop potatoes tend to be in the ground at around the time blight normally hits, in late summer, whilst earlies have often been harvested already.) Yields are good with red skinned tubers with creamy yellow flesh.

Number of tubers (seed potatoes): 10

Variety: Setanta (organic)

In the kitchen: It is excellent for roasting, baking and for making chips.

Delivery: We start shipping seed potatoes in February


Everything you need to know about these plants