• DELIVERY INFO: We are now shipping out Seed Potatoes – new potato orders will be shipped within 3 working days. Pre-Orders for Spring plants will be shipped from late April onwards - see FAQs

Pink Fir Apple Seed Potatoes (Salad)

(10 Tubers)


Out of stock

These tubers are long, narrow and famously knobbly.
This peculiar shaped potato was originally imported into Britain over 160 years ago. It was kept solely by enthusiasts for decades because of its exceptional flavour. It’s a great salad potato, with very waxy texture and quite nutty in flavour. It really is knobbly, and we often grow it in large planters of compost as then the potatoes are easier and quicker to wash. A maincrop variety, they are usually ready to harvest in September.

Number of tubers (seed potatoes): 10

Variety: Pink Fir Apple

In the kitchen: These are best boiled and used in salads. You can also parboil and roast.

Delivery: We start shipping seed potatoes in February


Everything you need to know about these plants