• DELIVERY INFO: We are now shipping out Seed Potatoes – new potato orders will be shipped within 3 working days. Pre-Orders for Spring plants will be shipped from late April onwards - see FAQs

Chilli Pepper – Hungarian Hot Wax (Autumn)

(1 Potted Plant)

Shipped within 3-5 days


Out of stock

Easy to grow, quick producing and delicious
Hungarian Hot Wax is one of the best quick-producing chillies for our cool climate. The fruits produce a large number of 10cm long, smooth bright fruits with a waxy look. Starting green – mild, to yellow – medium and ripening to red and crimson – hot.

Number of plants: 1 potted in an 8.5cm bio-pot

Variety: Hungarian Hot Wax (organic*)

How Hot? Mild to Medium Hot (depending when you pick them)

In the kitchen: Whatever stage these chillies are eaten at they are delicious. They can be eaten raw or in cooking. They also make a fantastic chilli jam.

Everything you need to know about these plants