With a few extra pots you can grow quite a few more veg plants during the summer. Here are some of the best space-saving plants for putting in pots at this time of year… it’s a great idea to club together with family/friends/neighbours to divide up the plants as most of ours come in sets of 10.

You can plant lettuces 10cm apart, so you can easily get a few planted up in a single pot. Use them as cut & come again and you’ll get a good harvest for several weeks.

Wild Rocket
Wild Rocket, Mizuna and Frills Mustard are brilliant for pots. Again, use them as cut & come again and plant them 10cm apart within their pots.

Wildflower Plants
These look so lovely growing in a pot, and so great for bringing bees to your plot. You can plant 50 plugs to a 30cm wide pot quite happily to create a mini wildflower meadow.

Dwarf Beans
Perfect for pots! One plant to a 20cm pot is about right, or you could grow 4 or 5 in a grow bag. You’ll get plenty of beans from just a few plants so you definitely can afford to donate excess plants to your friends and family if you don’t have enough pots.

You can plant beetroot 10cm apart, and they can easily go in fairly shallow pots. They are ideal for a larger window box where you can plant in 2 rows.

Edible Flowers
Viola, Calendula and Borage are lovely in pots during the summer. They’ll attract lots of bees, and of course you can eat them too – add to salads and risotto dishes.

Turnip Sweetbell
These dinky turnips are perfect in pots – a wide, shallow pot measuring about 25cm wide should hold 5-6 plants quite happily.

Be quick to get some aubergine plants potted up – as long as they have a warm, sheltered, sunny spot they should do well, especially if the weather is favourable!
Strawberries are great in pots – they need about 20cm each, so you could either plant them in a crate planter, or a large pot. They’ll crop for several years, so a good investment for the plot! They come in sets of 3.