Most winter squashes are very easy to store as long as they have fully reached maturity and developed nice thick skins. You’ll usually find that those that have a good chunk of stalk still attached will also store better. However, some may be a little bruised and will be more likely to start rotting, whilst others may not have cured for long enough for the skins to fully harden up.
How to store them:
Pumpkins and winter squashes need to be kept fairly warm to store well, so bring them into the house and decorate your windowsills with them. As a general rule, they will store best when temperatures are fairly consistently between 10 and 15c. Try to space them so that they are not touching each other and air can circulate around them – they will store longer that way. Also, make sure they are dry and check them over for any signs of bruising/rotting – you can use any that might be a bit bruised first before they do start to go bad.
How long will they keep?
If they are well-ripened and healthy, then they may well store right through till spring without starting to rot. Expect 2-3 months at least, and for those that have well cured skin, you may find they store for up to 6 months.