Herbs & Veg Plants that produce Edible Flowers

As well as growing specific edible flowers (as listed below), there are also a lot of herb plants and veg plants that produce flowers you can eat. Here are some of the best for you to keep in mind this year.

Chives & Garlic Chives

The flowers of both chives and garlic chives are edible. The pretty pink of standard chives looks really lovely scattered onto salads and so on, and the garlic chives add quite a good punchy flavour.

Both have a distinctly onion-like flavour, so not good for decorating cakes..but try them with salads, or sprinkled over pasta or risotto dishes.

You will need to separate the individual flower florets first rather than throwing in a whole flower head! It’s easy – just tease them off the main stem.

Wild Rocket & Mizuna

Both Wild Rocket and Mizuna produce small yellow flowers that can be used in salads. It’s worth knowing this, as in hot spells they can easily bolt and suddenly you find yourself with a flurry of flowers rather than lots of leaves, but you can simply pick the flowers off, pick the leaves that you can, and then cut the plant back to the baby leaves that are shooting from the roots.

Courgette, Squash & Pumpkin Flowers

Try stuffing these big yellow flowers – you can eat them raw or cooked, and they make fun parcels when stuffed with something like leftover risotto or cream cheese.

Dill & Fennel Flowers

These pretty yellow flowers carry the same aniseed-like flavour which makes them a lovely addition to salads – pull the individual flowers off the stems first.

Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, Basil

Don’t let the flowers get in the way of you using these everyday herbs – you can still go ahead and chop them up and although the flowers may not add a huge amount of flavour, they will add a little colour.

Edible Flower Plug Plants