How to grow... Raspberries
Rocket Growing Guides

- Easy to grow fruit plant producing delicious sweet berries
- Grown on Canes
- Requires annual pruning to keep the plants producing fruit each year
- Can be grown in the ground or in pots or planters
- Raspberry Growing Guide
How to Plant Raspberries
- Raspberries need fertile, neutral soil (pH of 6.0-6.7) with good drainage in full sun.
- Plant your canes as soon as possible after receipt, in pots or beds, 45cm apart.
- Depending on your order, you may find 3 canes growing in one pot – carefully tease these apart at the roots and separate them before planting.
- We would recommend planting in a triangle, leaving 45cm between each plant. This way, you can put a bamboo stake in the centre and tie the canes loosely together around the cane for support.
How to Grow Raspberries
- In dry weather water the canes thoroughly once a week, especially during their first spring and summer.
- Keep the area free of weeds, particularly during their first year.
- Apply a mulch each winter.
- All but the shortest of raspberry varieties will require support from the second year. The easiest way to do this is to tie the canes loosely in clumps around a single stake.
- To prune summer fruiting varieties, in August/September cut out the canes that have just fruited and train in the new canes, tying them to the supports.
- To prune autumn fruiting varieties, in winter, cut back all canes to ground level, clearing the way for the new cane to grow and fruit in the following year.
How to Harvest Raspberries
- Fruits will ripen for harvesting at different times depending on whether they are summer or autumn cropping varieties.