Tagete & Marigold
Tagetes & Marigolds are best grown as an annual, although they may last a couple of seasons if it is mild over winter. Growing tagetes and marigolds as companion plants?…
Tagetes & Marigolds are best grown as an annual, although they may last a couple of seasons if it is mild over winter. Growing tagetes and marigolds as companion plants?…
Quick-growing spring onions are a wonderful salad crop to plant in between rows of other slow-growing vegetables – use them to fill any gaps, or grow in window boxes or…
You can plant spinach, chard and leaf beet anytime from spring to autumn. If growing in spring/summer, you can grow them in partial shade, but if growing in autumn through…
Strawberries will either arrive as plants in biodegradable pots (from spring to autumn) which you can plant or peel off and compost, or as bare-rooted runners (during winter).
Blackcurrants are delivered between spring and autumn, your plants will arrive in biodegradable fibre pots. You can plant them on in its pot, or if you prefer you can peel…
If they are delivered between spring and autumn, your blueberry plants will arrive in biodegradable fibre pots. You can plant them on in its pot, or if you prefer you…
The following growing advice assumes that you will be growing your cut flowers in blocks in a dedicated raised bed (or similar) so that you can harvest them for cutting….
You can plant our Wildflower Plug Plants anytime from April to October. You can choose to plant them in a dedicated patch of bare soil in the garden, in existing…
If your veggies arrive before you are ready to plant them out, or during a cold spell in your area, you can plant them temporarily into a grow bag or…