How to grow... Dill
Rocket Growing Guides
Dill is a much loved herb of the kitchen garden. Dill is an annual, but will happily self-seed at the end of the season if you leave it to flower and go to seed.
- Dill Growing Guide
How to Plant Dill
- Great for large pots or in a herb bed or border – needs good drainage and quite light soil. If you have clay soil, it would be better grown in a pot of compost
- Plant in full sun or partial shade
- Plant 30cm apart
- It will grow quite tall when flowering
- Do not plant near Bronze Fennel as the two will cross-pollinate
How to Grow Dill
- Keep them watered during dry spell
- Remove flower stems regularly to keep it producing more leaves
How to Harvest Dill
- Cut back quite regularly to use the leaves and to keep the plant from bolting.
- Chop up leaves to add to mayo, or sprinkle into salads, with potatoes, fish and chicken.
Is Dill good for Companion Planting?
- Dill is a good at attracting natural predators – like hoverflies and ladybirds – to the veg plot, so definitely worth growing.
- It is also quite popular with aphids, so can be used as a sacrificial crop