How to grow... Bronze Fennel

Rocket Growing Guides

Bronze Fennel is a superb hardy perennial herb which produces beautiful bronze coloured feathery foliage. It’ll grow quite big, to approximately 1m-2m high, and 1m wide, so give it plenty of space.

  • Bronze Fennel Growing Guide

How to Plant Bronze Fennel

  • These plants will grow really quite large, so plant them at the back of borders if you can.
  • You could also plant into a large, deep pot.
  • Plant away from Dill to prevent them from cross-pollinating
  • Plant 50cm apart

How to Grow Bronze Fennel Plants

  • Keep them watered during dry spells
  • For longer harvest time,  cut back flowers regularly.
  • Towards the end of the summer, allow the plants to flower if you want to gather fennel seeds for cooking.

How to Harvest Bronze Fennel Plants

  • Harvest flowers in the morning (when they are just opening, rather than in the evening when they are closing again)
  • Use flowers to decorate cakes, add to drinks or sprinkle on salads.

Is Bronze Fennel Good for Companion Planting?

  • Fennel does well at attracting hoverflies and ladybirds, which in turn help to keep aphid numbers down, making it a good companion plant for all veggies.