- Deep fertile soil with plenty of compost. Deep pots filled with compost work well.
- Plant 50-60cm apart
- Tie to a bamboo stake for support
- Great for Medium pots (approx 25-30cm deep) and grow bags (3 to a bag) are ideal, or grow them in raised beds with plenty of compost added.
How to grow... Aubergine
Rocket Growing Guides

Aubergines at a Glance:
- Choose a sunny, sheltered site
- Plant in rich, fertile soil or multipurpose compost
- Best grown in a polytunnel or greenhouse
- Plant 50cm apart, or 3 to a growbag/1 to a medium pot
- Water regularly, trying not to let soil dry out
If you do have to grow your aubergines outdoors, use a cloche or make a mini poly-tunnel for them, and plant them in a sheltered spot out of the wind.
- Aubergines Growing Guide
How to Plant Aubergines
- Best grown in a greenhouse or polytunnel. If growing outside, choose a site with full sun & lots of warmth and shelter from the wind ideally in a greenhouse, conservatory or polytunnel. However if you do plant outside make sure all risk of frost has past.
How to Grow Aubergines
- Aubergines need to be pollinated, so make sure bees & pollinators have good access once the plants start flowering.
- When it fruits, it’s a good idea to pinch off fruits to just leave 5 or 6 – this gives the fruits a better chance of growing to a good size.
- Once the plant reaches 40cm height, pinch out the growing tips. This will create a more compact, bushy plant.
- Keep aubergines well watered, especially when the fruits start to develop and give them a liquid feed fortnightly once they start to flower.
Common Pests and Problems with Aubergines
- Aphids/Mite infestations – Aphids include greenfly, blackfly, whitefly and they can appear in clusters on the stems of plants. You will be able to see the tiny bugs, and you may notice yellowing leaves, distorted growth and a general stickiness as they secrete their honeydew.
- Lots of flowers but no fruits– poor pollination
- Fruits not swelling– not warm enough/not enough water – water well and try to keep them warmer – keep greenhouse windows closed, or if outside, try and build tunnel cloche over them.
- Foliage turning yellow/brown– not getting enough nutrients/access to water. Water well regularly, and try liquid feed.
How to Harvest and Store Aubergines
- Aubergines should be ready to harvest in late summer/autumn
- Cut off aubergines when they’ve reached a good size and are a little tender when squeezed (like a tomato)
- They will keep in a cool place, or in the fridge, for a few days, but are best picked fresh for eating.
- Aubergines are good for pickles and chutneys if you want to preserve them longer.