The art of year round growing is very simple. You just need to plant things at the right time. We make it very simple for you with our Year Round Veg Patches, sending all the right plants at the right time of year but here’s a little more info in case you fancy going it alone.
Plant up early spring veg such as Asparagus Crowns, Horseradish and Jerusalem Artichokes. Get seed potatoes in the ground too. Meanwhile, prepare beds for planting all your other veggies.
Late April – Early June
This is the best time to get the majority of your veggies going for the summer season. Be sure to keep your veg plants well watered and protected from pests while they are young and vulnerable.
Mid June – July
Order a few extra plug plants now to pop in any gaps that appear in your plot. It’s a good time to plant brassicas for an autumn/winter harvest. You can also plant extra carrots, beetroots and even potatoes for a Christmas crop.
August – Mid OctoberÂ
This is the time to plant veg that you will harvest over the winter months. There are all sorts of winter lettuces and leaves, as well as kales that you can plant.
November – February
Some of your autumn crops, like kales and leaves will grow throughout the winter, particularly if they’re under cover. Other plants with brassicas such as cabbages and sprouts, root veg such as parsnips and celeriac and also leeks will “overwinter” – i.e. you can just leave them in the ground and harvest them as you want to eat them.
Late February – March
This is the time to get onion and garlic sets planted, and get beds ready again for the following spring.