Get the hoe out to keep on top of weeds…

If you want to keep on top of weeds in your veg patch, then we highly recommend getting a hoe! It is the easiest way to keep on top of things, and you should start now as new weeds pop up every day and it is MUCH easier to deal with them when they are still small seedlings…

Assuming you are starting with a relatively weed-free plot, our recommendation would be to hoe between rows of plants once or twice a week. Ideally, do this on a dry day as weed seedlings will be uprooted and will wither in the dry and sunlight, whereas on a wet day they may manage to re-root. It may seem a bit of overkill, as at first glance your veg patch may look lovely and weed free. However, those teeny seedlings soon become more deeply rooted and more troublesome to get rid of. It is far better to hoe them off while they are still tiny as pictured here on the left. It will save you a lot of work in the long run, trust us!

A small, short handled onion hoe is ideal for using where plants are closer together, like onions (as the name suggests!), leeks, beetroot and lettuces. For plants that are more widely spaced, like broccoli, kale, sweetcorn and beans, you will probably find it easier to use a full length hoe to save you from crawling around and hurting your knees and back!

If you are hoeing larger weeds, like those pictured at the top of the page, gather them up and bung them in the compost pile afterwards, and be wary of roots left in the ground. They will probably re-sprout and you may need to use a handfork to get them out properly.