Children love growing their own food, especially if it’s something they enjoy eating! We’ve got a few ideas to inspire you and your children in the veg patch this year.

Halloween Pumpkins
Get your children growing their own pumpkins to carve for Hallowe’en this year and they’ll love it. Plant them in the next couple of months in a sunny spot, give them plenty of water and once the fruit starts to grow pick off the smaller ones to leave just 2 or 3 per plant. They should grow nice and big and ripen just in time for Hallowe’en.

Family Favourites Veg Patch
We’ve packed this Instant Garden with popular veggies that everyone will love. It was deliberately designed to be easy to grow and to appeal to adults and children alike so that you can cook up some delicious meals every day for the whole family to enjoy.

Strawberries Throughout the Season Selection
Strawberries are really appealing to most children – they’re so easy to sneakily pop in the mouth when nobody’s looking and they taste yummy! This selection of three different varieties will keep your children going for a few weeks over the summer and can easily be grown in a grow bag on a sunny patio without taking up too much space.

Colourful Carrots
Carrots are an easy win with children as they tend not to turn their noses up at them! These are fun as you don’t know what colour they’re going to be until you pull them out of the ground. Good fun, easy to grow and an excellent introduction to the art of growing your own!

Children's Planter
This set contains everything needed for a child to get going with homegrown food…a small wooden planter, a coir compost block (just add water and it expands to make a lovely fluffy compost), some nutrients and just the right number of plants to fill it, including strawberries, French beans, cherry tomatoes,rocket, spinach, beetroot and lettuce.