If you’ve got a few days off over the Easter weekend and a bit of time to spend in the garden, then you may like some of these ideas…
Get going for spring

Build a Hoop Tunnel
You can use these hoops to make a mini polytunnel, or for protecting your crops with mesh netting. It’s very easy to make them – you just need a few short bamboo lengths (40cm) to prod into the ground, and some old hosepipe to thread over as hoops. We’ve used an old drip hose which is quite sturdy. Works a treat!

Build your Bean Supports
It’s always good to get ahead, and although you won’t be planting beans for another few weeks, there’s no harm in getting the bamboo canes out to build a frame for them. This is one our Rocket Gardener built and she swears by it – it’s a classic A Frame, but with a wigwam at either end and in the middle for added stability. Whatever you choose, push the bamboo canes in nice and deep, and leave a good 30cm in between them so that the plants are well spaced.

Make a Compost Bin
You can keep it really simple – just a few old pallets tied together to make a square(ish) compost bay that you can access easily will work fine. Start small, you can always tack on another bay later in the year.

Make Raised Beds
This needn’t be complicated. Four corner stakes and four lengths of timber (approx 20cm wide) will be enough to get you going. Hammer the corner stakes in place and fix the timber edges with screws. Line the base with cardboard if you can to stop weeds from growing through, and then fill with multipurpose compost or top soil.

Make Pea Supports
You can use chicken wire held between two bamboo canes, you could weave freshly cut bamboo into a trellis or build a wigwam support, or hunt around for some hazel sticks to prod into the ground as support. Our peas (and sugarsnaps) will need a support that measures approx 70cm tall, but bear in mind that our mangetout peas need 1.5-2m tall.