I’ve been making some plans for my small growing space which I will share with you over the coming weeks, but I thought it would be fun to order some seed potatoes after realising it was possible to grow potatoes in containers. I ordered Jazzy Potatoes in the end as these produce a more compact salad potato which is better suited to a smaller growing space.
I managed to get hold of 2 egg boxes before they collected the recycling this week, luckily just in time for the arrival of my potatoes. I took them out of their neat paper bag and placed each one in a section of the egg box, making sure to keep the little knobbly bits facing upwards as much as possible. This will allow more shoots to grow, which will hopefully mean a bigger crop. I placed the egg boxes on a sunny windowsill in my conservatory where they will stay put for up to 6 weeks. I aim to plant them towards the end of March or at the start of April. One of them has already begun to sprout which is exciting!
I have a large deep pot that I have put aside for the potatoes. I will probably only fit about 3 or 4 of them in that pot so I may need to get another container. I am going to take any that are left to my friend who has a deep planter in her garden ready to grow potatoes in too. I think it’s great to share the ordering of plants – this way none of them go to waste and more people can benefit from growing their own food. This is also a great way to order plants if you have a small growing space. I might order my plants this way in Spring, we could even split the bill too!
As they sat neatly on the windowsill this got me thinking about what other plants I could grow on my windowsill this year. When ordering for a small plot, due to the pack sizes I will inevitably have some plants that won’t fit into the space available so if its possible I may grow some plants on my windowsill too. I will keep you updated on how the potatoes get on and hopefully I’ll be harvesting some tasty salad potatoes in a few months time.