Does caterpillar season ever end?!
Are you getting a bit fed up with these guys munching their way through your cabbages, sprouts and broccoli? If so, don’t despair – the end is nigh…most cabbage-munching caterpillars…
Are you getting a bit fed up with these guys munching their way through your cabbages, sprouts and broccoli? If so, don’t despair – the end is nigh…most cabbage-munching caterpillars…
When the leaves of your veg plants turn yellow between the veins you can safely assume that they are deficient in magnesium or another vital nutrient. Don’t panic though, you…
Cabbage White Butterflies lay two to three batches of eggs each year, and they’re out in full force during mid-summer looking for the perfect plant for their eggs. You’ll probably…
As tomato plants all over the country start flowering and fruiting we have one really important piece of advice: don’t let them dry out! Why? Tomatoes really suffer when the…
If you’ve experienced some of your veg plants bolting, then don’t be too surprised. It’s been a funny couple of weeks with ridiculously hot, dry spells followed immediately by loads…
Aphids can be a bit of a pain in the veg patch, but there are various ways of keeping them at bay. These are the three cunning methods that we…
If you’ve already read parts 1 and 2 of our guide to pests and diseases then you should hopefully have been able to identify the cause of whatever problem it is…
In the second of our three part guide we look at what might be causing your plants to wilt. It could simply be a lack of nutrients or water, but…
We’ve put together a handy little 3 part guide for you to use this summer. So, if you have any growing pains in the veg patch, simply consult this guide…
It won’t be long before butterflies and moths start laying their eggs…and not long after that the caterpillars will have a good chomp on any leaves that they find tasty….
Lots of brown tunnels in your carrots is the result of carrot flies..they lay their eggs which, when they hatch, bury down into the soil and nibble on your carrots….
Ask any veg grower what their number one challenge is in the garden and the answer will inevitably be “slugs.” If this is you, then don’t give up on your…