Have you got flea beetles?
Tiny little holes in the leaves of plants are most likely to be the handy work of the flea beetle… The small flea beetle has small stripes down its back…
Tiny little holes in the leaves of plants are most likely to be the handy work of the flea beetle… The small flea beetle has small stripes down its back…
In the first week or so after planting it is wise to keep an eye out for the first signs that your plants may be struggling to settle in to…
This week has been something of a bean disaster. I’m a bit gutted as I absolutely love French beans, and I was really trying to give them a good start…
Pea plants are very good at dancing around looking for something to cling onto with their tendrils. To get them growing upwards quickly (and thus preventing slug damage) you can…
I’m just a few weeks into my new no-dig gardening and I’m so far finding it very good. I certainly have fewer weeds to contend with. My other observation (which…
Well, I am ridiculously delighted to report that it’s been 5 days since I planted out my salad seedlings and there’s not a single evidence of slugs! How amazing is…
If you planted garlic from sets back in February/March time you may be wondering when to harvest it. Well, you’ve probably got a few weeks to go, but here are…
You may find that you get a bit more than you’d bargained for occasionally with plug plants, with several seedlings growing in a single clump. This is no bad thing…
When you’re growing organically, especially if you’re new to growing your own, it can sometimes seem like you are fighting a losing battle. Companion planting can help to protect your crops…
We’ve spotted one or two cabbage white butterflies flitting around outside already this spring. They look charming but they are not the best friends for your brassicas. Here are some top…
Some people like to water their veg every morning and every evening, others like to water once a day, others just a couple of times a week. Here are our…
It’s almost mid-May now and I have this huge pang of concern that I haven’t planted my veggies yet. I have to keep reminding myself that they’re happily growing in…