Shall I make a hoop tunnel for winter growing? Diary of a Rocket Gardener
This is the first autumn that I haven’t had a greenhouse to grow in, and I miss it. My greenhouse crops were always a little healthier over autumn and winter…
This is the first autumn that I haven’t had a greenhouse to grow in, and I miss it. My greenhouse crops were always a little healthier over autumn and winter…
The two can seem interchangeable, but in fact they do not do quite the same job… Use horticultural fleece for warmth (and insect protection) Horticultural fleece is designed primarily for…
Slugs remain active at this time of year, and if it is a mild winter, they may well stay active right through until spring. One disadvantage of autumn is that…
Sorry to mention that the clocks will be going back soon, but they will. In about three weeks. So, we’re going to take a quick look at these next three…
I have a kind of love-hate relationship with this time of year in my veg garden. Part of me feels a huge sigh of disappointment at the general messiness of…
There’s plenty to harvest in October, but we also have just a few weeks left in which to plant out veggies for the coming months. It’s worth grabbing the opportunity…
If you’re emptying your greenhouse or polytunnel of summer crops, then now is a great time to fill it again with veggies to keep you going over winter. You could…
Whether you’re looking to get some new herbs planted up, or dealing with an established herb garden, here are some ideas for winter growing.
As the leaves turn mildewy and skins begin to turn colour, it is tempting to harvest winter squash and pumpkins as soon as possible, but it is so worth waiting…
If you have a greenhouse or polytunnel, or even a cold frame or a sunny porch then this is such a great way of staggering cropping time to keep your…
If you haven’t already done this, it is a really good idea to get it done this weekend. Pruning out excess leaves and vines will help the fruits to grow…
It is weird to think that last weekend we were giving you the heads up on possible frosts, and this week we’re encouraging you to make the most of the…