Plant sweetcorn in blocks, not rows
Don’t forget to plant your sweetcorn plants in blocks rather than in rows – they are pollinated by wind, so the proximity of growing them in a block will help…
Don’t forget to plant your sweetcorn plants in blocks rather than in rows – they are pollinated by wind, so the proximity of growing them in a block will help…
Plants in the veg patch will soon show you if they’re not happy, and the first sign is nearly always the colour of the leaves. Any discolouration, particularly in the…
The sudden damp and mild temperature that we’ve had in the last few days in Cornwall is perfect for the development of fungal leaf spot like the ones pictured here….
We had some strong easterly winds last week, heavy rainfall, and there’s a cold spell forecast in the next few days. It’s still very early in the season to be…
Well, my poor beans and squashes have had quite a time of it over the past few days. They arrived on Friday last week, and I planted them out on…
I’m eagerly awaiting my plant delivery, so I haven’t really got much for my diary entry this week. I was turning my thoughts to what to blog about and pondered…
You’ll see in the growing guide that accompanies your plants that we have included some recommended planting distances. Try to stick to these as much as possible. Leaving the right amount…
Some seeds that we sow are teeny tiny and impossible to grow individually. This means that when you receive them as plug plants you may see more than one seedling…
It’s been incredibly dry here since lockdown started over a month ago, and I’m already seeing cracks in the surface of the soil. I’m not quite sure when my plants…
All types of peas (garden, sugarsnap and mangetout) need something to scramble up. Making a support is very simple – here are two ways…
Whether you’re planting some new seedlings, or tending to established plants, here are a few top tips for healthy mint. Best grown in pots – mint rapidly spreads its roots…
You may have experienced this already, and if you have don’t worry, we understand your frustration… cats rather like empty veg beds that have been recently dug over – they…