Do I need to protect autumn brassicas?
Brassicas (cabbages, kale, broccoli etc) are well known for being on the receiving end of pest damage, and whilst many pests are less of a problem now, you should still…
Brassicas (cabbages, kale, broccoli etc) are well known for being on the receiving end of pest damage, and whilst many pests are less of a problem now, you should still…
Once harvested, winter squash and pumpkins will usually store for several months. But you do need to keep it in the right place, which is not a cold, dark &…
Last week we covered drying and storing Borlotti Beans, which prompted a few more queries about how to cook with them and whether you can freeze them fresh. Here’s the…
The wetter autumn weather is perfect for slugs & snails, and there are plenty of autumn veggies that they are fond of…particularly pak choi! Here are some ways to protect…
There is arguably nothing more important than looking after your soil when you are growing veg. Good soil will give you healthy plants that are better able to withstand pests…
A few weeks ago, in August, the Cavolo Nero kale plants that I have been growing since last autumn got well and truly annihilated by cabbage whites…they were CRAWLING in…
Look at my beautiful little cauliflower popping his head out finally! This plant was planted at the beginning of May, but didn’t seem to be doing much. Towards the end…
Don’t miss out on autumn planting. There are just a few weeks left to get those autumn and winter crops in the ground, and it is so worth it for…
One thing I have found is that the majority of vegetable cake recipes share a love of cinnamon, which I am very fond of, but I wanted to get a…
Autumn is a brilliant time of year for topping up the compost pile (or starting a new one!) If you’re unsure what to add and what not to add, then…
I don’t think I’ve ever seen my squash plants quite so heavy with powdery mildew as I have this summer/autumn. They have been really badly affected with the warm, wet…
The recent warm, damp weather has provided the perfect conditions for fungal diseases – powdery mildew, blight, leaf spot and plenty more. Below are some images of common problems to…