Creating a New Veg Plot
If you are planning to start a veg patch in your garden then you may find a few of these pointers are helpful. We cover a few things, like site…
If you are planning to start a veg patch in your garden then you may find a few of these pointers are helpful. We cover a few things, like site…
If you’re relatively new to growing your own, or if you are a bit strapped for time, then have a look at our list of easy, low-maintenance plants.
Here are a few helpful ideas that you may want to consider if you’re growing your own this winter, or if you want to get on top of things a…
In the spirit of New Year’s celebrations, I’ve been pondering the coming year in my veg garden and deciding what new creative things I might have a go at. It…
January is probably the quietest month in the kitchen garden, but if you can get yourself out there to spend a couple of hours pottering, doing a few little jobs…
Good soil will give you a better, healthier crop and you’ll suffer less from weeds and pests too. Doing one very simple little thing will make all the difference…add plenty…
Rustle up a good, quick lunch from Christmas leftovers… All you need to do is pop some flatbreads in the toaster, and then on a medium-low heat warm up your…
This is an utterly brilliant way to use leftovers to create a whole new meal… please, use whatever you have – you could chuck stuffing balls in here, blobs of…
Just a quick one from me this week as I haven’t been out in the veg patch much other than to harvest a few greens here and there. My one…
If you’re growing winter veggies, like leeks, kale, cabbages, parsnips, sprouts and winter salads, then have a quick read of our guide for some top tips… Brussels Sprouts – if…
The big trick with this dish is not to burn the broccoli when you’re roasting it – so set a timer if you’ve got a lot going on, as it…
This is an easy way to cook sprouts, and it is minimal effort as well – you don’t need to worry about trimming too much off each sprout or any…