Top Tips for Planting Brassicas in Summer
Summer is a great time to get your sprouts in the ground for a Christmas crop, or plant cauliflowers and cabbages to grow for a winter harvest, or swede and…
Summer is a great time to get your sprouts in the ground for a Christmas crop, or plant cauliflowers and cabbages to grow for a winter harvest, or swede and…
Making pesto is a wonderful way to use some of your homegrown herbs and greens – it doesn’t always need to be basil… our recipe throws in some spinach and…
If you’re growing potatoes, you may find that a reasonable amount of space opens up once you harvest them in the next few weeks. Here are some ideas for following…
I planted up a whole load of pots with lovely flowering plants from a local nursery – they have all since died… I think they just got a bit too…
In my garden, I have often had problems with blackfly on globe artichokes and on broad bean plants, but never on chard. I was very surprised, therefore, to see that…
This month in the kitchen garden tends to be a busy one, whether you’re tending to a well established plot or nurturing newly planted veg crops… You may have plenty…
One common source of confusion in the veg patch is when plant leaves turn yellow. It often happens with beans, courgettes and squashes and can usually be rectified quite easily….
This is a very common sight for growers of chard and other leaf beet, like perpetual spinach. It is the work of the leaf miner, and it’s not a disaster,…
Here are some top tips for looking after your veg patch when water is scarce… Water early in the morning, or at dusk – If you can water at these…
These past few weeks have been incredibly dry, and this looks set to continue. On top of that, we’ve had a lot of northerly and easterly winds, which both add…
We’re definitely experiencing more blackly infestations than normal around here, probably something to do with the cold spring and natural predators not being in such abundance as they normally are….
Brassicas are just perfect for being planted in mid June and July. Most will be ready to harvest in late autumn/early winter and many will over-winter too for harvesting in…