Make a bed for raspberries (and blackberries)
If you fancy growing your own raspberries (or blackberries) then it’s a good idea to get a bed ready for them while you’re waiting for your plants to arrive in…
If you fancy growing your own raspberries (or blackberries) then it’s a good idea to get a bed ready for them while you’re waiting for your plants to arrive in…
You can either grow strawberries using strawberry runners or strawberry plants. Right now at Rocket Gardens, we’ve got lots of runners for you to choose from. A strawberry runner is…
Pumpkins and Squashes are one of the more satisfying vegetable types to grow, mainly because you really see a difference in them as they grow from tiny little nippers to huge…
October is something of a changeover month in the veg patch. It’s the time when all the remaining summer crops are harvested and cleared away, and the last chance to…
It’s worth pulling up any remaining beetroot and carrots this month and digging up any last potatoes. They all store well, so it’s best not to leave them in the…
A few weeks ago I was looking after my 12 year old nephew for the afternoon whilst his siblings went to a birthday party. We spent a couple of hours in…
Well some parts of the country may have had a heat wave (not Cornwall!) but autumn is here and summer crops are coming to an end. So it’s time to…
Growing an Instant School Garden is a really inspiring way to get the students at your school outside, active and connected with nature, and, importantly, it’s a great way for them to learn about where…
Even if you only have space for a single window box in your home, you can grow your own winter salad. It’s easy, and there are a few nice compact…
Is it really September already? That was quick! Here’s our monthly round up of what’s going on in the kitchen garden, with harvesting tips, planting advice and more. Harvesting in…
At this time of year it can be really beneficial to give a liquid feed to those plants that won’t be ready for another few weeks as the soil will…
Most of the time your veg will ripen on their own, but if the sun has been scarce in your part of the country, or if your plants didn’t make…