Cooking with Kale
One of the things that is coming out of the veg patch in abundance at the moment is kale. In all sorts of different varieties – Cavolo Nero (black kale,…
One of the things that is coming out of the veg patch in abundance at the moment is kale. In all sorts of different varieties – Cavolo Nero (black kale,…
If you’re on the lookout for fun ideas to do this half term, we’ve got three that will be fun for you and your children as well as being incredibly beneficial for…
Horticultural fleece offers two types of protection for seedlings…it keeps some pests away and it keeps them warm. When you plant your seedlings out they are very young and vulnerable, and…
Peat is a very beneficial product to use in the veg patch and more often than not it is one of the key ingredients that you’ll find in a bag of compost. But it comes…
Here at Rocket Gardens, we’re huge fans of worm cast. ‘Why are they so fond of this thing that is basically worm poo?’ you may wonder to yourself. Well, with good reason……
Pots and containers are a brilliant way of growing a few veggies and you can get great results. In theory, you can simply fill a pot with multi-purpose compost, plant…
Comfrey is one of the very best things you can grow in your garden as it can be used as a brilliantly rich, natural fertiliser in organic growing. It’s a…
An awareness of where food comes from plays a big part in encouraging children to develop a lifelong healthy eating habit. A nice, healthy diet full of fresh veg and…
Bees, butterflies and other pollinators are in decline. It’s not new news. There are lots of reasons for this, but two of the major factors are modern agricultural methods and the loss of natural habitats due…
When you think of a veg patch there’s a tendency to picture a raised bed with nice, neat rows of lettuces and carrots. It’s a lovely look but it’s not…
Most veg plants are grown as annuals. i.e., you plant them in the spring, harvest them later in the year and then dig them up because they’re done. But there…
Once you’ve received and planted your organic veggies from Rocket Gardens you will be very excited to see your plants growing. And you’ll be looking forward to harvesting them. But…