Is your plant nutrient deficient?
When the leaves of your veg plants turn yellow between the veins you can safely assume that they are deficient in magnesium or another vital nutrient. Don’t panic though, you…
When the leaves of your veg plants turn yellow between the veins you can safely assume that they are deficient in magnesium or another vital nutrient. Don’t panic though, you…
Cabbage White Butterflies lay two to three batches of eggs each year, and they’re out in full force during mid-summer looking for the perfect plant for their eggs. You’ll probably…
As tomato plants all over the country start flowering and fruiting we have one really important piece of advice: don’t let them dry out! Why? Tomatoes really suffer when the…
This is the time of year that tomatoes, squashes, courgettes, cucumbers and beans truly spring into action. They grow like crazy. But you don’t want all that growth to produce…
Fruiting vegetables (squashes, pumpkins, courgettes, tomatoes, beans, peppers, chillies, aubergines, melons etc) would really benefit from a liquid feed now to replenish the nutrients in the soil for a bigger,…
This weekend I’ve had a disaster in the veg patch. I’m gutted. I went out to dig up all my beautiful potatoes only to find that there were small black…
Depending when you planted your beetroots, they might be ready to harvest by now. But how can you tell? Well, in most cases the beetroot is fairly visible on the…
Now, we don’t want you to panic, but in just a few weeks the weather will start to get a little cooler and, if you planted in early spring, most…
If you’ve experienced some of your veg plants bolting, then don’t be too surprised. It’s been a funny couple of weeks with ridiculously hot, dry spells followed immediately by loads…
Well, I should have learnt from this last year with my courgettes, but I got it wrong again! A few weeks ago I planted two pumpkin plants in a grow…
This is a great time of year in the herb world as they’re all in full bloom and looking magnificent. Some may need a trim though to keep them healthy…
This week I honestly feel like all I do is battle against pests. It was crows in the chicken coop last weekend (my scarecrow proved not to be very effective…