Diary of a Rocket Gardener: the effect of planting later
So this year I planted out my veg seedlings fairly late in the season – some went in the ground in June, others in early July. I was trying to…
So this year I planted out my veg seedlings fairly late in the season – some went in the ground in June, others in early July. I was trying to…
Cavolo Nero is a great autumn/winter grower as it doesn’t mind the colder weather. Happily, it is also a little less appealing to slugs than many other veg plants, which is…
Autumn is when you can start to dig up your maincrop potatoes. You’ll know the time is right when the leaves of the plants turn yellow and start to die…
Even if you haven’t been camping you may have noticed that the temperature at night is significantly cooler than it was a few weeks ago, and some of the leaves…
If you’re growing coriander and it’s decided to bolt, then don’t worry…it’s actually worth allowing it to bolt and set seed as coriander seeds are a fab ingredient to have…
Autumn is a great time to divide hardy herbs, such as marjoram, chives, mint and thyme. Wait until they’ve flowered before digging them up, dividing them at the roots and…
Now is definitely the time to give tomatoes a little extra attention. Before long, as the temperature drops, they will struggle to ripen so it’s best to give them a…
Amazing. I’ve just returned from France fully expecting to have missed all my lovely veggies, but they’re still going strong and I’ve been able to harvest all sorts! Among the…
Over the next few weeks you will inevitably be pulling up old veg plants that have fulfilled thir purpose this season. It’s a great source of compost materials, but you…
Growing in the colder months is a little easier in that there are fewer pests and weeds to contend with and you don’t need to water very often. However, you…
Don’t forget to harvest fruit as it ripens this month. There should be loads happening in the fruit garden, from berries and currants to melons and kiwi fruits…. Blackberries should…
So I’m in France this week, staying in a rustic farmhouse with a very small smallholding (it is slowly getting bigger, with the addition of some goats, lambs and rabbits.)…