What to expect from your parsnip seedlings
Growing parsnips in the warmth and safety of a polytunnel can mean that the seedlings get quite leggy, with shoots reaching as much as 20-25cm. Once you’ve planted them, however,…
Growing parsnips in the warmth and safety of a polytunnel can mean that the seedlings get quite leggy, with shoots reaching as much as 20-25cm. Once you’ve planted them, however,…
So I’ve had a fair bit of slug damage on my sweetcorn plants. No biggie, I put down some beer traps and did a wood-and-stone-lifting exercise to collect and remove…
This question comes up at about this time every year as eager growers wonder whether or not they have missed the boat. The answer is, there is still plenty of…
We’ve had bucket loads of rain over the past few days, which is great as the ground here in Cornwall has been incredibly dry. Naturally, with the rain come the…
One of the things that I have most enjoyed this spring is my brilliant little strawberry patch. In spite of the snow in March and April, it has really flourished…
As soon as your first batch of plants are in the ground in spring it’s easy to assume that that’s that, but there are lots of planting opportunities from now…
Long, hot, dry spells followed by heavy rain and cooler temperatures confuses plants and can often lead them to bolt. They haven’t been getting enough water and they respond to…
Tiny little holes in the leaves of plants are most likely to be the handy work of the flea beetle… The small flea beetle has small stripes down its back…
In the first week or so after planting it is wise to keep an eye out for the first signs that your plants may be struggling to settle in to…
This week has been something of a bean disaster. I’m a bit gutted as I absolutely love French beans, and I was really trying to give them a good start…
Pea plants are very good at dancing around looking for something to cling onto with their tendrils. To get them growing upwards quickly (and thus preventing slug damage) you can…
I’m just a few weeks into my new no-dig gardening and I’m so far finding it very good. I certainly have fewer weeds to contend with. My other observation (which…