7 Plants that’ll add colour to your plot
Adding lovely flowering herbs, edible flowers and companion plants to your veg patch can really add a splash of colour which will make you enjoy your plot more, and attract…
Adding lovely flowering herbs, edible flowers and companion plants to your veg patch can really add a splash of colour which will make you enjoy your plot more, and attract…
Growing garlic, onion and shallots from sets is incredibly easy and a good way of getting your veg patch productive a little earlier on in the year. You can grow…
The more people start growing their own veg, the better, for so many reasons. Here are 5 reasons to share with friends and family who need to be enlightened! Reduce…
If you found 2019 a bit disappointing, as many of us gardeners did for various reasons, then doing these 3 things will put you in a better postition for the…
The number one question on all growers’ lips is “how do I get rid of slugs”. The number one answer to this is to reduce slug habitats as much as…
For those that have been following my posts, you’ll know that I was adopting some rescue hens last weekend. I collected them on Sunday afternoon, and they were in a…
A well prepared plot will make all the difference to your potato harvest next year. You can get ahead of the game anytime between now and March, ready to plant…
Here’s our definitive guide to using up Christmas leftovers. Waste not want not and all that! Make stock from the turkey bones Turkey Pie is delicious – try to use…
This is really easy to make and you can happily make it a few days before Christmas as the flavour improves after a day or two. You don’t need to…
We all know what it’s like on Christmas Day, with everyone buzzing around the kitchen and generally getting in the way 😉 If you’re keen to get as much done…
Stir Fried Sprouts Finely slice your sprouts before stir-frying them quickly with some chilli flakes and garlic slices. Season with sea salt and serve. Alternatively, fry off some bacon lardons…
I haven’t had a brilliant year in the veg patch this year. Spring was incredibly dry, with strong Easterly winds and some quite low temperatures which didn’t help my young…