Do I need to cover autumn crops with fleece?
We’ve had a few enquiries from customers wondering whether they should be covering autumn crops with horticultural fleece. Here’s the low down… Using horticultural fleece (or cloches) will keep plants…
We’ve had a few enquiries from customers wondering whether they should be covering autumn crops with horticultural fleece. Here’s the low down… Using horticultural fleece (or cloches) will keep plants…
If you’ve enjoyed a bumper crop of lovely winter squashes and pumpkins, then you may be wondering what on earth you are going to do with them all. Here are…
If you’re about to plant autumn veggies, then be sure to choose a place that exposes them to maximum light levels. The days are getting sorter and shorter, and every…
After last weekend’s little mission to get the raised bed ready to become a cutting garden using the no-dig method (more on that in the post below!), I was not…
If you’ve decided not to grow over the next few months, or if you have a half empty plot, then here is a useful checklist to follow to make sure…
I’ve been resurrecting an old raised bed this week – it was a little overgrown and neglected and I want to use it to grow cut flowers next year. Since…
If you’re spotting lots of mushrooms in your veg patch, then it’s a good sign that you have nice, healthy soil… Mushrooms grow in a different way to your veg…
Brassicas (cabbages, kale, broccoli etc) are well known for being on the receiving end of pest damage, and whilst many pests are less of a problem now, you should still…
Once harvested, winter squash and pumpkins will usually store for several months. But you do need to keep it in the right place, which is not a cold, dark &…
Last week we covered drying and storing Borlotti Beans, which prompted a few more queries about how to cook with them and whether you can freeze them fresh. Here’s the…
The wetter autumn weather is perfect for slugs & snails, and there are plenty of autumn veggies that they are fond of…particularly pak choi! Here are some ways to protect…
There is arguably nothing more important than looking after your soil when you are growing veg. Good soil will give you healthy plants that are better able to withstand pests…