Are woodlice eating my winter purslane? Diary of a Rocket Gardener
Back in late September or early October (time lines are blurry this year!) I planted out my winter purslane. It’s in a raised bed right next to some spinach and…
Back in late September or early October (time lines are blurry this year!) I planted out my winter purslane. It’s in a raised bed right next to some spinach and…
Depending on where you live, you may find that the mild and wet weather has made it very easy to get rid of some of the more persistent weeds. So,…
Earwigs don’t cause a huge amount of problems in the veg patch, but they can nibble holes in leaves overnight, and it’s easy to confuse the damage with slug damage….
I was a bit annoyed this weekend to go out to the veg patch and find that something has eaten through the stems of nearly all my spring onions. I…
Well I had a somewhat unsuccessful celeriac harvest this year – all my own fault as well. I knew better than to not water them! Celeriac needs a lot of…
Over the next few weeks it’s a good idea to think ahead to the next growing season and get a few key jobs done…
If you’ve been growing rhubarb for several years, then it is beneficial to divide the plants to keep them healthy. Equally, if you just want to grow more rhubarb plants,…
I think this is my new favourite garden trick…to use a sharp blast of water to keep aphids and other little pests off my veg! I have lots of kale,…
Here are a few top tips for growing your own during the colder months ahead Protect crops from frost & strong winds Use a cloche tunnel or horticultural fleece –…
If you need to prop up some netting or fleece to protect your crops from frost, pigeons and so on, then a jar, small plant pot or something similar upturned…
I’ve planted quite a lot of autumn veg this year, more than normal because like so many others I’m keen to be as self-sufficient as possible at the moment. Back…
Use the last few days of October to get some autumn tasks done before the weather gets much colder. The clocks go back and the days get shorter and shorter…