3 Ways with Swede
If you planted swede in spring or summer, then you should hopefully have some fairly sizeable roots to harvest now. They can be quite large, so you may want to…
If you planted swede in spring or summer, then you should hopefully have some fairly sizeable roots to harvest now. They can be quite large, so you may want to…
If you’ve been reading our Weekly Veg Out for a while, you may have noticed that we often advise you to remove the older, yellowing leaves of brassicas. There is…
You’ll spot on our website that we’re now taking pre-orders for spring plants. These will be shipped from late April 2023 onwards. Here’s what to expect if you’re ordering early…
With the mild autumn we’ve been having, autumn planted salad leaves will probably have grown fairly quickly, so we are off to a good start. Here are a couple of…
I’ve harvested all but one winter squash now, and this morning I was pulling up the last of the courgette plants which have finally stopped producing fruit. It gave me…
These small garden snails have quickly established a family network in the tops of some Brussels sprouts plants. Snails often climb higher than slugs and, because they have their shells,…
We nearly always recommend that you net any brassicas – kale, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower etc – in your plot using a mesh netting. This will help to keep butterflies from…
My leeks are looking a little under the weather this year. I planted them in early June, and over the summer, of course they were subjected to a lot of…
If you’re growing one of our Small or Large Autumn (or Year Round) Veg Patches, you will have received some broad bean seeds with your delivery. These are best sown…
We’re just edging towards frosty mornings now, and with that in mind we’ve made a little to-do list so that you don’t lose any crops… Harvest pumpkins & winter squashes…
All the flavours of winter packed into one delicious cake…. this is a great alternative to classic Christmas cake, and there’s no marzipan involved which might be a relief for…
This is one to enjoy over the next few weeks, when there are so many winter squashes coming out of the veg patch and plenty of kale to harvest. Ingredients…