Make a herby topping
This is a really great way of using herbs from your garden, and it works well for all sorts of things, from white fish to lamb cooked on the BBQ….
This is a really great way of using herbs from your garden, and it works well for all sorts of things, from white fish to lamb cooked on the BBQ….
Raspberries must be one of the easiest fruits to grow here in the UK as they don’t mind a wet summer, or a slight nip in the air! You can easily…
If you’ve already read parts 1 and 2 of our guide to pests and diseases then you should hopefully have been able to identify the cause of whatever problem it is…
Some veg grow much better in a greenhouse or polytunnel than they do outside. These are the tender veggies like tomatoes, peppers, chillies, aubergines and okra. Basil grows well in…
Tomatoes are one of the most enjoyable things to grow at home, but they require a little bit of TLC to get a reliably good crop from them. Here are our five top…
Hello again everybody! I haven’t been doing my diary for a few months as I decided to give my veg patch a bit of a rest from growing whilst I…
Keeping weeds at bay is one of the most important jobs to do on the veg patch. It’s best to keep on top of it on a regular basis to…
In the second of our three part guide we look at what might be causing your plants to wilt. It could simply be a lack of nutrients or water, but…
We send out all our plants nestled up in a box of straw. This keeps them well protected during thir travels, and it’s much better than sending them in boxes…
Beans are one of the easiest veg plants to grow at home and you don’t need to do much at all to get a really great crop. Here are a…
If you’ve ordered parsnips, carrots or leeks then be sure to thin them out if necessary when they arrive. The parsnips and carrots will arrive in biodegradable pots and there…
We’ve put together a handy little 3 part guide for you to use this summer. So, if you have any growing pains in the veg patch, simply consult this guide…