“What people sayˮ
Don’t just take our word for it....
I love getting your deliveries. Mine arrived today. All perfect. It’s such a pleasure to get a delivery beautifully packed without a hint of plastic!
P. R.
My passionate wish is that everyone should grow a little of their own food. Rocket Gardens are the perfect way to get started on a veg patch if you’re new to growing or if, like me, you’ve got a bit behind with the digging and missed the start of the season!
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, River Cottage
Food bills have rocketed so here is a great way to save yourself a fortune and grow your own. A Rocket Garden is a great start for any would be vegetable gardener.
Alan Titchmarsh
Absolutely love the plants that I received. What a great way to package them! It will certainly help our new allotment along and make us look like real gardeners rather than amateurs!
April Keech, Leeds