Whether you are plugging the gaps from harvesting, or lost a few plants to cold weather earlier in the season, or to slugs more recently, there is plenty to pop in the veg plot over the next few weeks.

You can plant lots of quick growers like salad leaves, spring onions, peas, carrots, beets and so on throughout the midsummer weeks.
Gaps can be filled with smaller veg plants – beetroots, carrots and spring onions easily fit between rows of other veg. Dwarf French Beans and lettuces and leaves are great too.
Don’t forget about herbs and potted fruits too – these are quick to reward you with a more or less immediate crop!

There should just be time for a final planting of beetroot and carrot. This is a brilliant time to plant up a whole load of brassicas – cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli, sprouts, turnip and kale – to keep you going through autumn and into early winter. It’s also the perfect time to plant seed potatoes for a Christmas crop.
You can still plant your potted fruit and herbs now too, and it’s a good time to get perennials like Globe Artichokes in the ground as these will establish their roots for the following spring.

You’ll get a great harvest from planting oriental leaves like mizuna, rocket and mustard leaves around now! You can plant some brassicas at this time of year, like kale and purple sprouting broccoli (which will then be ready to harvest the following spring). You can also plant spring onions for the following spring, as well as some cold weather lettuces and leaves (spinach and chard can still be planted now) that will survive the winter and give you a supply of healthy greens during the colder months.