Our 3 New Years Resolutions

New Year is always a good time to reflect, whether it’s in your personal life or taking a step back from the business to assess what you could be doing better. We’re quietly confident about our New Years Resolutions.

  1. To go entirely plastic-free in our packaging
    We’ve been working towards this for some time, and 2019 is the year where we manage to eliminate plastic from our plant deliveries. The major benefit of this is to you, as you’ll be able to plant your plants and then pop all the packaging (cardboard, straw etc) in the compost pile, but we get a big feel-good factor from it too.
  2. To get as many people as possible growing their own
    In our humble opinion, it’s vital that more and more people start growing their own – the world just can’t sustain the current levels of mass production. We’re going to try and reach as many new people as possible (we’d love your help on this, so please feel free to recommend us to friends and family!) and get them growing their own in an organic,  natural and exceedingly simple way.
  3. To make growing veg as easy as possible for novices
    It’s really important to us that we are here to hold the hands of those that are new to kitchen gardening. Getting help means that they are more likely to stick with it and continue to grow their own for many years to come. We’ll be improving our online growing guides, explaining lots of organic growing methods, continuing with our useful Weekly Veg Out and introducing some nifty new video guides.