How to grow... Tayberries
Rocket Growing Guides
- Delicious Tayberries are a cross between Raspberries and Blackberries
- Easy to grow and rarely have problems with pests
- Make sure they are grown in well-drained soil
- Tayberry Growing Guide
How to Plant Tayberries
- Plant 1m apart in full sunlight in well draining soil, with plenty of organic matter.
- They dislike chalky soil (if you have this type, add plenty of compost).
How to Grow Tayberries
- Water well during dry periods.
- Each year add well rotted manure to the base of the plant. This will keep them going for the whole season.
- Tayberries do well grown against arches or trellises or trained onto a sturdy support such as a post and wire system.
- Create a framework of annual fruiting branches which will help to increase the yield and make picking easier.
How to Harvest Tayberries
- You should be able to harvest from late July through into August once they are a lovely shade of deep purple.