- Choose a sunny position, sheltered from wind with well drained, fertile soil.
- Climbing beans will need a support – a wigwam or frame made from bamboo is best. Tie in with garden twine. Plants will then naturally wind bamboo around as they grow.
- Space 30-40cm apart
- Don’t plant out until all risk of frost is past (keep them in pots in greenhouse or sunny windowsill in the meantime)
- Protect from slugs (beer traps/slug barrier)
How to grow... Beans – Runner & French
Rocket Growing Guides
- Easy to grow
- Choose a sunny spot in full sunshine
- Plant in beds or large pots
- They will need a support structure – wigwam or fence to climb
- Beans Growing Guide
How to Plant Beans
How to Grow Beans
- Water well and regularly. Don’t let them dry out.
- Keep weeds down.
- Protect from slugs
- Pinch out the growing tips of climbing beans once they reach the top of the support.
Common Pests and Problems with Beans
- Yellow/patchy/brown foliage – not enough nutrients/water – water well and regularly (so that soil doesn’t dry out), use a liquid feed fortnightly
- Not many fruits – poor pollination. Plant edible/companion flowers to encourage more bees etc.
- Leaf damage – slugs/snails – use beer traps. Do nightly slug patrol.
- Aphids/blackfly – these tiny black critters can sometimes be a problem. Spray off with hose or pick off foliage that are affected.
How to Harvest and Store Beans
- Pick beans regularly when they reach approx 10cm +
- The more often you pick, the more will grow
- They will keep in a cool dry place, or in the fridge, for several days.
- To freeze, either blanche first or freeze without blanching
- Try making runner bean chutney/pickles